is it possible to hook up my HP Pavilion laptop to my Panasonic P42S2X via HDMI ports? My pavilion has a tv port but the p42s2x doesn't. Are there adapters or converters or softwear available for this?
TV port? If the laptop has an HDMI output and the TV has an HDMI input, it should work just fine. If the laptop doesn't have an HDMI output and just a VGA output, you'll need to get a VGA to HDMI converter.
TV port? If the laptop has an HDMI output and the TV has an HDMI input, it should work just fine. If the laptop doesn't have an HDMI output and just a VGA output, you'll need to get a VGA to HDMI converter.
thanks. I am ignorant to these things and didn't know such an animal existed. VGA? I didn't know the name of that animal as well, 'twere bird, bear, or bunny, I 'twouldn't have had a problem.