I never used 3rd party on Quake II. Truth be told, I have played MUCH more Quake than Quake II.
The biggest issue is that most users will not remember just how "bad" things used to be. They are not actually bad, just that things are so much better now.
My old P133 was not used for too much gaming. The S3 Virge something or other card made sure of that. It was so slow Software rendering was better on most if not all games(Duke Nukem 3d, Quake, Half Life, Thief and a few others.). It was not until faster systems that I started to try more games. I skipped to Nvidia cards so I did not get to use Voodoo cards too much(I did test some, It was like another world at the time).
When I say things are remembered as better, I must point out...