Phenom II successful/not successful core unlock

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Jun 26, 2009
OK I built a phenom II X2 system and as many of you who read my threads know I successfully unlocked the locked cores on it...I know that a number of people here on toms also had the same success I did...
For those who don't know about my system I'll post it later...
But I just want all the people who had success/no success in unlocking any phenom II X2 or X3 to post their results on this thread...or you could just PM me...I'm gonna do a phenom II unlocking guide and I want to collect some statistics to see approximately how high of a chance it is to build a computer with an X2 or X3 and successfully unlock.

PS: If it's not hard I would like to also know what motherboard and bios version you guys used to unlock. For those who didn't have success in unlocking cores this guide I'm working on might help in unlocking it if they did something wrong...
Thanks again... :)
That's what figured. 8hr.15min. to download 06 thru my 3G aircard. Only way to get on the net when I'm hiding in the woods.
Guess I'll have to wait til morning to do prelim. stock tests.
Temps have held good (low mid 40s) on moderate multiplier changes. Haven't messed w/voltage yet.
Gonna move my fan controller sensors around so I can get 6 separate readings while testing.
Did get mark03 loaded and run-14587 w/1865 cpu @16.0x (3.21GHz) as a Phenom x2 550 BE

I usually only stress test my builds (unlocks and overclocks) for 1 hour under Prime95. My primary concern is temperature and memory. After I've run 3dMark06 and Vantage, PC Mark Vantage, MemCheck, Windows Experience Index (yes, I've had that lock up quite a few times with bad memory)...well, an hour under P95 is more than enough to tell me that the system is stable for 99.99% of the users I sell my PC to...if it's passed everything prior to that. Hell, just booting into Windows 7 is a GREAT test of your memory subsystem because I can't tell you how many times during either the install of Vista/7 or the boot that the system will lock up if I don't have the memory voltage/timings exactly right. That said, the very LAST test I usually do is P95 if everything else has passed. Most of the time, I run it for 1 hour and I'm good. If there's something I'm seeing in the temps (it keeps slightly increasing as it gets to bigger sets) then I'll let it run overnight. I can tell you, though, in EVERY case, on EVERY PC I've built in the past 3 or 4 years (and there's been hundreds) - if it runs for 1 hour, it will run for 8. I've yet to have any PC fail running it longer. Maybe I'm just lucky, but...I honestly don't believe anything more than 30-60 minutes is warranted.

Yeah, got it. Then I decided to utilize xpress recovery 2, GB's system back-up, and realised I hadn't partitioned my hard drive for it. Took the time to re-format and set everything back up. Now I will truly be starting from square one with my testing. Might take me awhile though. Got some other projects (INCOME) that need my attention.

Did 2 mark06 runs tonight. 1st as a 550 be stock config. 2nd as a b50 "stock config"
Scores is this order- 3d, sm2.0, sm3.0, cpu score, cpu speed., mem.
550 BE- 4587, 1557, 1929, 2620, 3114, 1792
x4 B50- 4776, 1537, 1922, 4679, 3114, 1792
When I figure out how to post my data and specs to Toms, I will have more detailed and confirmed results for you. ( Help with this matter would be appreciated) I can post everything into a spreadsheet, but this isn't like e-mail where you can just do a file attachment. (I thought these damn things were supposed to make life easier!)
Will log incremental changes in voltages for both cpu modes (x2, x4).
Thought of including temps., realized that is a non-issue as my system is set up to run cooler as it wants to run hotter. My NB is the hottest part of my system at 44c,
and I plan to add a side fan to keep it in the 30's.
I also plan to OC my GPU to show that lower end boards (Giga GV-R4650C-1GI) can put out impressive results for the budget builds. Also the OB HD 4200 chip.
Gigabyte has utility software to play with both of these safely, outside of the bios settings. (Like I'll stay out of them)
Anything else I could log or do to help your study, let me know. I'm already toying with the thought of building another system w/Phenom720 BE and a 790 chipset board. The Phenom x4's are too high priced. I paid $89.99 at Tiger for my 550! Mobo & CPU were $159.99. That's what the x4's start at!

Step One : Get a photobucket or imageshack acct.

Step Two : Upload your pics and videos.

Step Three : Copy paste the IMG and Links to your post (while editing).

Dont worry about your NB, it will be fine as long as it stays under 70c @ LOAD 😉

Don't use any overclocking software, it sucks. Always use the Bios, play with the settings till you find your "sweet spot".

I just unlocked the fourth core on a athlon II 435, now CPU_Z is showin it as a Phenom II X4 B35, if that counts. I got a Giga GA-770TA-UD3, but I'm not sure how to check the bios version without rebooting. Currently its OCed to 3.1. Now I just need to figure out how to speed up the memory. Did I read somewhere that unlocking cores messes up your PCU temp readings? is it possible to unlock the third cache?

you read correct ! - the individual core temps will no longer give anything but a 0C reading at all times - but easy tune 6 and everest ultimate and a few other programs will still give the correct CPU temp (just not the individual cores)

As far as unlocking the L3 cache depends on the CPU - most of the Athlon II's are now made from the Athlon Quad chips which do not have any L3 cache so it is not on the chip to be unlocked but there were some made from phenom chips that did have the L3 so those can sometimes be unlocked but those were mainly the first batch of chips so it is rare now.
individual core temp is not important, the overall CPU temp is what you need to be looking at. One core will always be warmer than the other/others.

speedfan works great and it is free, everest is superior since it gives you ALL your temps but it is 39.99$ to keep, trial lasts 30 days.

You can get the BIOS version from the "Mainboard" tab of CPU-Z.
ok thanx I got the bios, sry I cant get you the pic. Still learning about the forum. The bios is Award software International Inc. version F1 11/19/2009
Hope I got it all. :)
I used to do some overclocking years ago but I'm pretty much a noob all over again. I have a GA-MA785GM-UD2H and a AMD Athlon II 435 that I've confirmed (through serial number and build date) has a Denab core.

How do I go about seeing if I can unlock the fourth core and L3 cache? I just built the system last night and I'm not used to the newer bios features.

Any help would be appreciated!

IT's a pretty easy process on the Gigabyte MOBOs - go into the Bios and under the Advanced Core Calibration option switch EC firmware selection to Hybrid mode instead of Normal and then set ACC to All Cores - Save the changes and see if it will boot (if it errors out you can try adding a small amount of voltage to the Vcore and retry (some of the 4th cores just need a bit more voltage to run stable) - If it still will not boot then chances are it is a bad 4th core.
Hey everyone! thanks for posting...I can't believe I've been gone for so long...
Wow...but I'm back...hopefully for a
but thanks...anymore posts? I need more successful/unsuccessful
thanks :)

Gigabyte GA-MA78LM-S2H
AMD Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition
Cooler Master Hyper 212+ Heatsink and Fan

■Went into the MB Intelligent Tweaker (M.I.T.) section and navigated to the Advanced Clock Calibration section.
■Set EC Firmware Selection to Hybrid
■Set ADvanced Clock Calibration to Auto

Rebooted and I now have an AMD Phenom II X4 20. Ran Prime95 and have had no issues with stability.


Thanks man! I was able to unlock the fourth core and the 6 MB of L3 cache. I haven't yet been able to test it out (sick like crazy) but I did raise the voltage one small step because it froze on me once. Nothing since then but the real test will come when I'm better and I run Prime 95 through its paces.

If everything ends up stable, this will end up being a real steal!
Yep man it feesls good having such a nice CPU for so little money... :)
Thanks to everyone who already posted!
Pleas keep posting your results I'm about 45% of the way done with the guide. :)
Will keep you guys posted as well 😉