Phenom II successful/not successful core unlock

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Jun 26, 2009
OK I built a phenom II X2 system and as many of you who read my threads know I successfully unlocked the locked cores on it...I know that a number of people here on toms also had the same success I did...
For those who don't know about my system I'll post it later...
But I just want all the people who had success/no success in unlocking any phenom II X2 or X3 to post their results on this thread...or you could just PM me...I'm gonna do a phenom II unlocking guide and I want to collect some statistics to see approximately how high of a chance it is to build a computer with an X2 or X3 and successfully unlock.

PS: If it's not hard I would like to also know what motherboard and bios version you guys used to unlock. For those who didn't have success in unlocking cores this guide I'm working on might help in unlocking it if they did something wrong...
Thanks again... :)
Looks like not that many results here...come on guys...
I might go on another forum to ask for some successful/unsuccessful unlocks...
Still working on guide...will keep you guys posted...

PS: More posts please....?

I built a rig for my friend with a 550 BE, Im going to talk him into letting me unlock the cores this weekend. He's really leery cuz I fried my PHIIx4 920 with bad math and 1.8 vCore. Oops!

Well gave me an excuse to get a C3 stepping 955!

Whats the risk if core unlocking doesn't work out? Is it irreverseable (sp) or can I got into ACC to get the CPU back to its old state?

I have a Phenom II X2 550 BE @3.5ghz
my mobo is a ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO, which does have the ACC option.

The worst case scenario that I know of is your system might not allow you to even get to the point to enter the BIOS. In that case, you just have to clear the CMOS to reset the settings.

In most cases, you can get back into the BIOS and set the settings back to normal. I haven't heard of anyone trashing their board or CPU just by turning the ACC option on.


IF it doesn't work then the system will usually not be able to boot - in which case it is just like any OCing gone bad - you reset the CMOS and get back to default settings for the chip and it will recover - I guess the worst that could happen would be for a power surge or something similar to happen as the MOBO is setting itself into hybrid mode (which is similar to a BIOS Flash) and the MOBO not be able to recover but the odds of that are miniscule - and most modern MOBO's have fail safes to recover from that as well (My Gigiabyte mobo has dual bioses so that if something happens to the primary bios the board will load from the secondary and recover the primary bios for example).

I have not heard of anyone having a problem like that occur but I guess it is possible - in most instances it would just require resetting the CMOS jumper and you'd be back to original settings ---- and the process is reversible - should you find that the core is only slightly bad and will boot but not run stable then you just change the bios mode back to reverse it back to a dual or triple core - nothing is physically changed on the hardware it is just a software change in the BIOS that enables the core.
AMD Phenom II 720x3 BE
Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P
Status: Failed (SUCCESS!)

I used 4 different bios, I had hope for the F3 but there was no ACC option with it for some reason 🙁 Maybe Gigabyte changed it because of the mandate from AMD. At any rate, I woud love to find the original F3 bios for my board and try it out >.<

Edit: I was not putting EC firmware at hybrid and that may be the deciding factor, I will test this out in half an hour when I'm on lunch break.

UPDATE:Mother of god, 4th core unlocked and loving it. PH II x20 running stable :)

Why on gods green earth are you using a Gigabyte 790x-ud4p in a HTPC setup? That might have been the best AM2+ board ever made and your wasting it on a HTPC? :bounce: :ouch:

I wonder what his main rig is... :kaola:

The EC Firmware Selection HAS to be set to hybrid in order for the unlock to work.
So that's what your problem was. Keep me posted, thanks.
Hey guys, I had a little change of plan...
Not only will I make a written guide I am also working on a video guide/toturial for this...
I'll keep you guys posted...
Mean while, anymore attempts from you guys?

I know - stupid, huh? It's been replaced - last month I went to an H55 with a i3-530. It uses about 200W less power and performs just as well - far less noise, too. I didn't have anything else to use the board/setup in so it ended up, foolishly, as my HTPC because I tried to throw cores and memory at an issue I was having trying to play MKV blu-ray rips. Turns out it was nothing but ONE STUPID SETTING in VLC. Ugh. I've learned a lot about HTPC setups over the past year of trying to ditch cable. LOL.

Awesome board. I ended up pairing it with a 5770 and selling it last month on eBay. My son already had a quad core, my daughter has no need for one, and I've already got a 920, so I shed a tear or two and parted ways with it. :sarcastic:
Hi guys wondering if someone could help me with my Phenom ii 545 whenever i enable acc and set ec firmware to hybrid the bios automatically resets the acc back to disabled what am i doing wrong here?