Question Phone disconnecting from Bluetooth speaker when close to it

Sep 3, 2019
Hello everyone,
I bought a new phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 7) recently and I've been having few problems with it. The latest, and one of the more annoying so far, is that whenever I succesfully connect (which takes a minute or more aswell) it to my Bluetooth JBL Flip 2 , it disconnects whenever I put them close to each other. If the distance between my phone and the speaker is more than ±1m, it works just fine, but whenever they get closer the music stops playing and the connection between the devices gets lost after few seconds. I can reconnect them when I distance them again. This is rather annoying and I have not experienced this behavior when I used this speaker with dozens of other phones. I would be glad for any advice since I did not find a similiar problem online. Thank you
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Have you tried removing that device from your phone, so no longer recognized, then restart the phone (power it completely off and then back on) then try reconnecting?

Additionally, is it not working with the device period when you get close, or only when using a specific app? If it is just with a particular app, then I would try playing music that is on the device itself, and also through different apps, to see if it causes the same issue.

Should all of this not resolve it, then it may well be a flaw with that particular phone. The only options then would be to try and exchange the phone for another one of the same (maybe it is just that particular one), get a totally different phone, or just use them when farther apart.
I've tried everything you recommended. It seems that now I'm not even able to connect these two anymore, they are just pairing forever but never connect. Since I bought the phone off a website and it would be painful to return I don't think I will do so until I have problems wit h more Bluetooth devices. For now it only seems to be weirdly acting with my Flip 2.
Just an update if someone else ever has the same issue when they're not able to connect their phone with a BT speaker at all- I resetted WiFi, mobile and Bluetooth settings. It deletes all your WiFi passwords but it works for Bluetooth somehow. I can connect them now, but the main issue with the distance thing still prevails.
Okay, last update for people that may come with a similiar issue! The distance problem was actually fixed aswell! So all you gotta do is reset the settings. You can't reset settings for Bluetooth only, you gotta do it for mobile and wifi aswell, at least I didn't have the solution to do it separately. Did work tho! Thanks for assistance webworkings :)
Yeah the bad thing is it is not one time solution. You got to do it every few days, which means you gotta reset all your saved WiFi passwords and paired BT devices every few days so the devices can connect. Pretty annoying.