picking up signal


Feb 24, 2007
I have a Coolsat 6000 and a 33" Dish....I am having trouble getting a signal on all satelites.....with my smaller DTV 18" dish I could pick up a couple signals but the cannels were scrambled....Shouldn't I be getting better signals with the larger dish? What am I doing wrong.....
since its been 3 days since your post - I hope you left on the 'notification' hahaha

I have the same C 6000 - but am also haveing trouble getting video.
I went thru linksat.com and picked Galaxy 10r from the list since it seemed to have
the most FTA stations. set my dish to that location.
but all it pics out are the $ channels under 'auto' and only the 'direct tv ads' on 'free'
not to mention a couple hundred radio stations.
when I go thru the diff sats on the list I only get 2 that give me a green high level reception
anik F2 and Echostar 4 but still after scanning - zip for fta except for radio.

what have you found out ??