
Jun 14, 2011
Hi, I recently bought a CLD-D925 LD player and upon arrival have found that the little bracket (I think its called a VNL1700 M HOLDER) that is attached to the motor to move it along the track on the bottom is completely broken and the cogs were loose. Determined to fix the thing, I managed to find this:

Apparently the Denton La-2300 was a clone of the Pioneer CLD-D151 which uses the same Motor Holder as my CLD-D925. I've ordered one anyway in the hope that its the thing I am after. Does anyone know if I'm correct in thinking this? - Thanks,



Yes this is the right spare part. I recently bought myself a service manual for this type of LD player.
The motorholder is one of the few things that wears down on these machines. Also the loading belt for the drawer is worth replacing once in a few years. This prevents the disc clamp error message on these machines.

btw I have most spare parts available
I have 9 cld-d925 players all perfect working (none for sale) and almost any spare part for the 925 players.

I also have second hand spare parts available . I have an addiction... buying every 925 i can find even for the spare parts that become unobtainable sooner or later....

The denon LA-2300 is indeed a Pio cld-515 clone with the looks that differ a bit (take a closer look and you'll notice that all buttons on the face plate are in the same place with both machines

Denon also made the LA-2700 that looks like a CLD-D925 but shares the same internals as the CLD-515

I did a rebuilt recently of a Denon LA-2700 mounting all electronics from a cld-d925

The Denon LA-2300 features ac-3 rf out (but no optical or coaxial out for dts playback) NO S-video out!

The Pioneer CLD-D515 features AC-3 rf out (but no optical or coaxial out for dts) (some models even lack ac-3 rf out from early 1996) NO S-video out!

The Pioneer CLD-D925 features AC-3 rf out (& Optical out for dts playback) the most versatile player available! Plays PAL/NTSC and even the very old PAL/secam laservision discs with analoge tracks
Also an S-video connection and 2 x scart

A common mistake is that the Denon LA-2700 is the same machine as a Pioneer cld-d925
The denon just has the same looks! It is only a cld-d515 on the inside

You can rebuilt a Denon LA-2700 into a full Pioneer cld-d925 (just find yourself a damaged 925)
I recently found a cld-d925 with some shipping damage so that's when I started thinking...
After a few hours of patience I managed to fit the Denon LA-2700 body on the cld-d925.

Hope this helps...
