Hi, I recently bought a CLD-D925 LD player and upon arrival have found that the little bracket (I think its called a VNL1700 M HOLDER) that is attached to the motor to move it along the track on the bottom is completely broken and the cogs were loose. Determined to fix the thing, I managed to find this:
Apparently the Denton La-2300 was a clone of the Pioneer CLD-D151 which uses the same Motor Holder as my CLD-D925. I've ordered one anyway in the hope that its the thing I am after. Does anyone know if I'm correct in thinking this? - Thanks,

Apparently the Denton La-2300 was a clone of the Pioneer CLD-D151 which uses the same Motor Holder as my CLD-D925. I've ordered one anyway in the hope that its the thing I am after. Does anyone know if I'm correct in thinking this? - Thanks,