Solved! PLEASE Help!!! Atempting To Install Win7 On Hp Stream 11 Over Ubuntu Issue!!!

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Sep 23, 2016
A Few Months Ago (maybe a year.. I Had Windows 10 On My Hp Stream 11 And It Had Problems So I Installed Ubuntu Over It And Did "Replace Windows 10 With Ubuntu" And Now I Just Want Windows 7 Not Ubuntu Or Windows 10 Just Win7 And I Tried To Install Win7 But It Said "No Device Drivers Were Found" I Tried Everything Doing Usb 2.0 Instead Did Not Work!
And When I Try Commands People Say I Does Not Work Either! So Could Someone Help Me PLEASE!! Thank You!
I think it could be tellling you to take the hard drive out, slave it to another PC and format it in NTFS before it can be recognised by the Windows 7 DVD.
The stream 11 follows the hardware guidelines for windows 8.x tablets. This includes some bios hardware features not supported in windows 7 like the live suspend mode. You can search for "how to install windows 7 on a windows 8 tablet" to get some starting points, you will need to do a lot of manual driver cannibalizing. Or you can just go with installing windows 8 which IMO is just as good as 7.
Well.. Rufus Failed At Making A Windows 8.1 Install Usb I Think It Coud Be A Corrupt ISO Image Could You Give Me A Link To A Windows 8 ISO File That Is Not Corrupt? Thanks


would appreciate you telling what the something else is. I have a Stream 13 that wont boot to anything after Win10 got its hands on it and the user tried a factory reset. I'm trying to get back to Win7 but get the CD/DVD driver that is reported everywhere but has no solutions that I can see.
You can't install windows 7 only windows 8 and 8.1 and windows 10 will work

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