bluhefner Honorable Dec 16, 2012 96 0 10,580 May 2, 2013 #1 Please help me, anytime i record with fraps or dxtory the video lags while ingame i get around 100 fps, i have 4gb ram, msi 7950, 1tb hdd 7200 rpm and i52400 oc to 3.8
Please help me, anytime i record with fraps or dxtory the video lags while ingame i get around 100 fps, i have 4gb ram, msi 7950, 1tb hdd 7200 rpm and i52400 oc to 3.8
jungle71 Honorable Mar 6, 2013 6 0 10,520 May 8, 2013 #2 4gb of ram will not cut multitasking, 4gb of ram for gaming for any other extra try upgrading your ram.
4gb of ram will not cut multitasking, 4gb of ram for gaming for any other extra try upgrading your ram.
bluhefner Honorable Dec 16, 2012 96 0 10,580 May 9, 2013 #3 Ok so im using 12 gb ram of viper patriot and no change -.-