Question Problem with Roku 4k Spotlight Channel


Jun 8, 2015
Good morning. I just bought my Streaming Stick Plus yesterday. I have been having issues with one of their channels and contacted them this morning as it says on their site if you can load videos on one site and not another to contact Roku. I spent almost an hour on the phone this morning and the first half hour was spent arguing with a representative. The 4k Spotlight channel will NOT connect to any of the links it has. No matter the channel I choose it keeps loading and never connects. But if I try to get the same program highlighted through it from it's native channel it loads. For example, the Amazon show Bosch loads from the Prime Video channel but not through the 4k Spotlight. The woman I initially spoke with told me over and over to contact the owner of the 4k Spotlight channel for support. Guess what, you know who developed that channel? Roku themselves and not only did she not know it she kept denying the possibility. Finally I asked to speak to a supervisor and while she transferred me she was reluctant to do so. I have a 5g 100mbps connection through my router and excellent signal strength. The supervisor and I rebooted my router and Roku and I switched to my 2.4g network. It still would not work. He said he was able to get it running through their lab and could I try it with a mobile hot spot. I said I did not have one here and he told me that was 'unfortunate'. We ended the call with no resolution. If this is what happens with a minor glitch what happens if I have a major issue down the road? It is sad that this is what customer service involves these days. Anny help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for responding. I apologize if I explained it incorrectly as it is linked to my cable network and the rep wanted me to try connecting to a mobile hotspot instead to see if it was my home network. The kicker of the conversation was when I explained that I did not have a mobile hotspot associated with my cell plan he recommeded taking it to a friends' house and trying it there. I was galled by that response. I finally decided to just try a factory reset and it is working as it should. I am curious why that wasn't recommended to me when I spent all that time on the phone. It doesn't give me a lot of confidence in Roku that is for sure.

The big reason I wanted to get this hammered out is that on Prime day I picked up the Roku streaming stick + for $49 and Amazon had a sale on their Fire Stick 4k for $25. I wanted to have a chance to try both and see despite the prices which is the better choice for me.