Processor speed vs having SSD?

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Jun 10, 2008
I am trying to weigh options for a laptop, I am wondering how much having the OS on a SSD along with maybe photoshop or something, can make up for slower processing speed.

Intel i7 @ 2.3ghz(boost to 3.3) with 750gb HDD @7200rpm
Intel i7 @ 1.9ghz(boost to 3.0) with 500gb HDD @ 5400rpm AND a 32gb SSD

I assume the SSD is for the OS and then maybe whatever else i can fit on it

I had been looking at the new dell XPS 15 (3rd gen i7 @2.3ghz w/boost to 3.3) but am now looking at ultrabooks like the lenovo ideapad (3rd gen i7 @ 1.9ghz w/boost to 3.0).

There are obviously a lot of things that come into play for a computers speed, but lets just say all other factors being equal, how does this compare?
Processor speed trumps just about everything else. Memory amount and bandwidth is second. Most applications such as the OS, Photoshop,etc. are much more dependent on those two pieces of hardware rather than the storage. In Photoshop, once the file (photo) is loaded, it is the memory and processor that determines the speed. When you apply filters, crop or edit in any way it takes place in the memory and cpu. Much of the OS loads up into memory and stays there. Boot time is improved a bit my SSd's and other functions requiring storage access. Lastly since it is easy to upgrade a disc and not a cpu, I say buy the best cpu and memory configuration you can as top priority. Remember in the SSD laptop only the OS is on the faster storage. The rest of your programs and data will be on a slower HDD (5400 vrs. 7200).
No SSD will not improve the performance of your CPU. The only time you'll notice speed improvements are booting and program launch. Soon you won't even notice that. Buy an SSD for reliability and durability and in a laptop for power conservation, not speed.

An SSD will make the computer seem much faster, overall. CPU-intensive tasks are among the few situations it will have no impact on.

A faster CPU is adviseable only if you use demanding applications, suchs games or AutoCAD and the like. If you are an average user, an SSD will have a lot more impact on your computer's performance than a CPU a few hundred megahertz faster.

To be honest, those 400Mhz will be barely noticeable, while an SSD will make the machine a lot more responsive.
The SSD also helps tremendously when you also consider that it would be used for page file. If you load up enough applications to start paging out memory, you'll definitely feel the slowness.

If the RAM isn't > 6GB, an SSD would be more of a performance boost when working with multiple large images in Photoshop.
Just a heads up, I'm guessing what they are calling the 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD is either some sort of hybrid drive (Momentus XT) or is a 500GB HDD and a 32GB SSD for CACHING.

Both of those wouldn't be anywhere near as fast as having a true SSD boot drive.

I would definitely get clarification on that before making a purchase.
Some laptops have a mSATA slot in them, in which a SSD may be installed, independently of any other hard drive. If you get a laptop that has this slot (even if nothing is in it when you buy) you can always add a SSD yourself later.
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