Solved! Product Key Certificate Authenticity



Hello,i hope you can help me with my problem.everytime i enter the product key on the dialog box,it is always invalid eventhough i copied it on the certificate of authenticity at the back of my computer. thak you!
Why do you need to enter this? Did you re-install Windows? Did you use an OEM copy and is it the same version as the key (using an XP key on Vista for example)? I have seen people try to install XP Pro full version on a system that had XP Home OEM, and the code does not work. That's normal, you can't use the OEM key that comes with your computer unless you use an EOM XP version. If you are using the restore CDs that came with your laptop, double, tripple check that you copied the code correctly.
Make a call to Microsoft. They introduced this half-wit system and it drives everyone nuts -- so drive them nuts in return.
Why do you need to enter this? Did you re-install Windows? Did you use an OEM copy and is it the same version as the key (using an XP key on Vista for example)? I have seen people try to install XP Pro full version on a system that had XP Home OEM, and the code does not work. That's normal, you can't use the OEM key that comes with your computer unless you use an EOM XP version. If you are using the restore CDs that came with your laptop, double, tripple check that you copied the code correctly.
Hello,i hope you can help me with my problem.everytime i enter the product key on the dialog box,it is always invalid eventhough i copied it on the certificate of authenticity at the back of my computer. thak you!

I had an issue where Macafee caused issues that corrupted my OS ans gave me the message that my Vista 64 was not bonafide. Called Microsoft and got the helpdesk in Inda. Tried installing using both internet and phone activation and the Level 1 tech couldn't resolve the issue. A level 2 tech called back later and the key was being recognized on their end but not on mine. Long story short I had to reinstall windows and then everything was fine. If you call microsoft be prepared to sit on the phone for a good 4 hours.
