Protecting the user account passwords from getting hacked.

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Jan 9, 2017
I would like to know how safe are the passwords for our accounts in the apps and different social medias and services. Recently, one of my friends who is running a fruit shop got his facebook page hacked. I am hearing numerous cases of identity theft and server hackings in the news.

What preventive measures should be taken for the security? While I was browsing for some answers, I also read about some tips like using random letters and numbers in upper and lower cases can make it hard for the hackers to break it. Like, using the first letters of a phrase or song.

But, this is only going to give more time to hack, It is not a hackproof password. What should I do to prevent such attacks on my social media pages and accounts?
The general concept is to make the password hard to guess. Yes: the password should be a mix of letters, numbers, special characters, etc..

The length and construction varies with what is permitted/required by the host site. Some sites require regular changes and the change must be quite different from the previous password or passwords.

[Sidebar: tends to be problematic when the host site keeps rejecting passwords without some information regarding the expected format/requirements. However, stating the expectations/requirements does become a liability in that it tells the bad guys something about what is required for the necessary password. On the other hand, a bad guy only needs to keep trying to create his or her own password...
The general concept is to make the password hard to guess. Yes: the password should be a mix of letters, numbers, special characters, etc..

The length and construction varies with what is permitted/required by the host site. Some sites require regular changes and the change must be quite different from the previous password or passwords.

[Sidebar: tends to be problematic when the host site keeps rejecting passwords without some information regarding the expected format/requirements. However, stating the expectations/requirements does become a liability in that it tells the bad guys something about what is required for the necessary password. On the other hand, a bad guy only needs to keep trying to create his or her own password to find out what the required format is.....]

The password should not be some recognizable letters of a phrase or song.

Overall, most websites will refuse entry after some number of failed password attempts; hopefully, just two or three....

So to prevent attacks make the passwords as complicated as possible and do not store them on your system.

Your friend may have been a victim of some other hacking scheme: phishing, interception, de-cryption. Difficult to determine.

Make the password complicated and then change it from time to time.
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