Solved! PS3 to 5.1 DVD surround sound

yes you acn do that

best connectors are HDMI and Optical Cable...
HDMI outputs video and audio in HD
Optical Cable outputs audio only in HD

and what about your TV .... it also is part of it if is an HDTV the best way to have it (personally) is to have a connection from the

PS3 to the Home Theater system HDMI
Home Theather system to TV HDMI
cable box to TV HDMI

Turn off the speakers of the TV and enjoy a continous 5.1 sound all the time
yes you acn do that

best connectors are HDMI and Optical Cable...
HDMI outputs video and audio in HD
Optical Cable outputs audio only in HD

and what about your TV .... it also is part of it if is an HDTV the best way to have it (personally) is to have a connection from the

PS3 to the Home Theater system HDMI
Home Theather system to TV HDMI
cable box to TV HDMI

Turn off the speakers of the TV and enjoy a continous 5.1 sound all the time
My setup is a PS3 and PC both connected via HDMI to an Onkyo AV receiver, and the Onk to my Pioneer plasma via HDMI. I set both the Onk and the TV to HDMI control and additionally the TV to switch off its speakers when the Onk is outputting to the 7.1 speaker system. Works like a charm - just turn on the PS3 and the Onk and TV automatically turn on as well, with the Onk switching to the game input (how I labeled the PS3 HDMI input) and the TV turning off its speakers. When I'm done, I either turn off the PS3 or the TV and the other components also turn off. The TV remote's volume also controls the Onk's volume when the latter is active, instead of the TV speakers (which are off at that time). So basically I don't need the Onk's remote at all unless I want to adjust something particular to it.

I also set the Onk to pass-through video mode so as to disable its internal video scaler, since the one in the PS3 is superior for watching DVDs and of course no scaling needed for 1080P Blu-Ray movies.
Hi both!! I posted this about 5 months ago but hey! better late than never!

Since then I bought the Samsung HT-BD1252 5.1ch Blu-ray Home Cinema System - Black and I am using a 48inch Samsung tv so I can use the same control for both. Also using HDMI and Optical cables for PS3 and for the player itself. The sound is amazing and I would highly recommend the above Blu-ray surround sound.

Cheers for your replys!