Ps4 slim or ps4 neo


Jul 13, 2015
Hey guys today was the Sony press conference and they revealed the ps4 neo (pro) I don't know which one to buy I'm mainly buying it because of vr and vr comes in October if I get slim I can use vr right away but if I get neo I have to wait a month I want to know if
Which device works better with ps vr slim or neo I really don't care about 4k
Streaming since I have roku and ps4 neo isn't in true 4k it's just upscaled
Please help me decide if ps4 neo or slim is better for the the psvr
PS4 Pro/Neo is definitely going to be better for VR. The faster GPU will be able to deliver more detail it high frame rates. If you're interested in PSVR and can wait, go for the Pro.
PS4 Pro/Neo is definitely going to be better for VR. The faster GPU will be able to deliver more detail it high frame rates. If you're interested in PSVR and can wait, go for the Pro.