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In article <b40eb$42419caf$3ea65367$>,
Roy <> wrote:
><> wrote in message
>> Rick wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> So, is it the version with the moving carvings in the background are
>> not
>>> fuzzed out? I've heard that only the initial LD release of this
>> movie
>>> contains this footage proper, instead of all other versions that have
>> it
>>> majorly modified so that you cannot identify the images (because of a
>> major
>>> legal wrangle by the owners of said images who complained that they
>> were
>>> used in an inappropriate manner, hence its modification in subsequent
>> video
>>> releases).
>> As I posted here prviously on Jul 26 1999, 12:00am:
>> IIRC, the "animated" wall sculpture behind the desk was deemed to be
>> blasphemous and also a copyright violation of some similar artwork on
>> some
>> church, hence the recall due to the [church sculpture's] artists's
>> wailing
>> and moaning and threats of a mental-anguish lawsuit (or somesuch).
>> The laserdisc version has the original sexually-suggestive [from the
>> movie,
>> not the church!
🙂] sculpture and the extant DVD version has a
>> re-CGI'd
>> tamer version.
>> The church sculpture artist really must be a loser and/or have some
>> kind of
>> psychological problem; he could have capitalized on the fame given his
>> work
>> by the movie to get larger commissions for future work but, no, he
>> throws
>> an alleged temper tantrum with hand-wringing and crying jags per
>> reports I
>> read in the newspapers at the time.
>> Such is life.
>But don't forget that the first pressing run of the Region 1 DVD also has
>the uncensored scene.
And =that= is one of the first-run dual-layer Warner discs that has a
tendency to become unreadable over time.