Questions about selling an old laptop


Jul 16, 2016
I have an old laptop I've been wanting to sell. This being the type of laptop:

Of course mine isn't refurbished though. So my questions are, 1. How should I go about selling it? (eBay, Pawn Shop,etc.) 2. How much would I sell it for?

For details, it has a couple of small scratches (barely noticable), 1 very small dent (about the size of a BB, not deep though), the delete key tab thing is missing, and the DC power jack is broken from what I can understand.

Thanks in advance :)
So it can't even be used as a laptop in its current condition. Maybe worth $75 to someone that needs parts or knows how to repair the power jack. Do you have the ac adapter?
Thankfully I do, albeit a third party one since the original broke.