Questions about selling my cell phone (help please)

K K0

Jul 15, 2012
Hello. I bought a new galaxy note 2 and i want to sell my old HTC incredible S. I'm paying a extra $15 a month for my note 2 because the contract on my HTC was not finished. I want to sell the HTC but if i can or what it's worth.

Do i just sell the phone and the person who buys it has to activate it and pay monthly or do i have to transfer it to his name? Or do i remove the SIM card from the back of the phone before selling it? I would greatly appreciate any help i'm confused about this =\


Dec 16, 2012
Is your HTC still active and bound to the same network provider? Since you've already paid for the early termination fee, I don't see any problem with selling your phone. The new owner could simply contact the provider and register the phone. If you use SIM Cards, the new owner can just use a new one on the HTC phone.