Radeon 6650m Worth It?


Dec 16, 2011

I'm looking to buy a Lenovo G770 (good choice?) and was wondering:

Will the Intel HD 3000 graphics be alright for my needs? I'll be using the laptop for light gaming, i.e. MMORPGs, The Sims, WoW, etc. but I do want it to be capable of playing some of the bigger games such as BF3 just in case I decide I want to play that in the future.

Is it worth the $150 extra to get the laptop with Radeon 6650M graphics or will the intel one do it? How much better is the 6650M graphics?

Right now I have IMGA3 graphics (I think? I apologize if that's wrong) and have no idea how these two cards compare.

Lenovo G770 with Radeon graphics - $799...with intel it's $649. Any comments would be great! Thanks :)
You will definitely need the 6650m to play BF3.

Intel HD 3000= can't play Battlefield 3
Mobility Radeon 6650m= play Battlefield 3 at medium.

IGMA= Intel graphic media accelerator. Crap for games. Intel HD 3000 is also part of the IGMA.
Thank you so much guys...this is really helpful! So I guess the HD 3000 will suffice for my needs but I definitely need the 6650m if I want my laptop to have the capability to play some of the bigger games...

The real question now is: is it worth $150 for the 6650m or should I look for another deal? It's hard to find a 17" with better graphics for less than $799. I could maybe find a better deal with HP, but Lenovo is growing on me... :)
Thank you so much Pyree! I'm seriously considering this HP now. I think it's a better deal despite the fact that it doesn't have BluRay. The Lenovo I was looking at had switchable graphics...not sure if the HP does too but does that matter? Will it drain the battery faster if it doesn't have switchable graphics?