Random short freezes when playing


Jan 16, 2017
Hey guys, I've been having a weird issue for a while that's driving me nuts and slowly taking out my sanity. First of all, some of my laptop's specs (MSI CX61 2QC), feel free to ask anything else that might be relevant and I'll try to find out.

Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Intel Core i7-4712MQ @ 2.30GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 920M
1 TB SATA 5400rpm

Now, the problem: as the title says, annoying short freezes, around 2-3 seconds each, whenever I'm playing. Been noticing it recently when playing Psychonauts, where it just randomly freezes mid-game and then goes back to normal, and also in Stardew Valley, specially when switching areas. Also, not sure if related, but sometimes in Psychonauts and other games that have cutscenes, whenever a character is talking, the last 2-3 seconds of its dialogue is cut, they just stop talking and advance to the next phrase. Once in a while, when one of these freezes occur, I can hear the hard disk making a similar noise to when you boot up a DVD on a laptop (don't really know how to explain it any better, sorry), and then goes quiet again after 3 seconds or so.

I already searched and tried countless supposed solutions, including updating and even reinstalling drivers, updating BIOS, scanning for malware, dust cleaning, and a few more thing I don't even remember, but none of them worked.

Really appreciate any help you can provide
If you've been using your PC for a year I would definitely defragment the HD.

I found a link that can help, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LwqgrKlcnw
The link covers Win 7 defragging with the included defragger.
When I used Win 7 I ran Defraggler from Piriform, https://www.piriform.com/

Be prepared to wait as defragmenting your HD may take several hours, especially the first time.
Subsequent defrags should take considerably less time.

Piriform also makes the very popular CCleaner.
I've ran CCleaner for years without issues.
When you run CCleaner use the setting called Cleaner, stay away from the Registry unless you know what you are doing.
After around 11 hours defragmenting with Defraggler, the C partition went from 41% fragmentation to 3%, and the D went from 43% to 0%. Today I also ran CCleaner and went for a short test since I didn't have much time, and although it seemed a bit better, I still had some short 2 seconds freezes in Stardew Valley when entering a new area, so I believe there's still something wrong.

Would a graphic from HWiNFO monitoring the disk usage when a freeze happens might be able to help? I could test it later today and post it here.
I don't believe disk usage info will help. You have a 5400 rpm drive, it's slow.
You may have to live with a few stutters as new data is loaded from your HD.
Nothing else comes to mind as to what could help your situation.
If I think of anything today I'll pop in and share it.
Could I simply buy a better one and replace this one? If so, would it be worth the try?

EDIT: My girlfriend also has a 5400rpm drive with similar other specs and is able to play the same games without any trouble :/

PCs differ in performance much like the same model of a car perform differently.

One big difference comes down to where the software is located on a HD.
You could get a faster drive but I don't know if it would help.
Some of the choppiness will come down to how fast your PC can process the data.

You said you reinstalled drivers, does that include the one for the chipset?

Just make sure you have the latest driver for your chipset. If the driver is current I don't see any reason to reinstall it.

Just had a thought, what programs do you have running while gaming?

Wasn't sure how I could check if II had the latest version for the chipset driver (Intel HM86), so I just went ahead and used Intel Driver Update Utility and all it's asking to update is the Intel Graphics Driver, which I'm currently installing. Don't know if this could be the solution, but at this point, I'll try anything.

When I'm playing, I don't usually have anything else running except for Dropbox.