Question Razer Blade 14 browser tabs crash on PSU


Aug 7, 2013
New laptop, 3070 Razer Blade 14. When plugged in to wall power, all browser tabs (Edge, Chrome, and Firefox) are unstable; crashing a few seconds after opening (or even as they load) with out of memory errors (see below). If I reload a tab a few times it will usually eventually stabilise for a while. This doesn't happen when running on battery, and only seems to affect browsers (eg even Steam is unaffected, despite being pretty much a wrapper around a browser).
Got the latest AMD and NVidia drivers, and up-to-date Win10. Tried: a Windows Reset, updating all drivers, turning off hardware acceleration in the browser, forcing the browser to use either the NVidia or integrated graphics.
Everything else on the laptop works fine, it's just browsers. I expect it's driver related, but don't really know where to start.

This page is having a problem
Try coming back to it later.

You could also:
. Open a new tab
. Refresh this page

Error code: Out of Memory.
I just got one for my daughter and I have the exact same issue with exactly the same unit. I could return it, but I purchased it with store credit and it is no longer in stock. Unfortunately, I'm not willing to pay an additional $600 for the 3080 Razer Blade 14. Did you ever find a solution?
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Sorry, I didn't. I ended up returning it and getting a G14 3060 instead. Not as powerful, or pretty, of course, though the recent refresh looks worth considering.
IIRC, yes, I went through their support forum also. I don't recall them making any useful suggestions. At the time I thought I was the only one, and it was a return, so figured it was a weird hardware problem.
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