Razer blade laptop gaming crashing and battery level unknown


Apr 24, 2017
I have a Razer blade 2015. The battery says unknown remaining or gets stuck on a certain percentage. It will still show if it's charging it not, but the battery level display is fixed. This started happening after the computer crashed while gaming. It still crashes in the division and Diablo but hasn't crashed in league of legends. It has always gotten pretty hot while gaming, CPU temps around 90c but it never effected performance until the crash and battery issue.
That is very hot and very bad for the laptop. You really need to get those temps down before something gets fried. That is why you have the problem, even though you didn't have any before, the temp pushed it to far and now one issue has arisen. It won't be the last one if you let it stay so high.

You need to open it up and clean out all the debris and dust. If that doesn't do it try replacing the thermal paste. Should that not resolve it then it may be time to replace the fan(s).

In regard to the battery issue, it could be the battery overheated and no longer is functioning properly and needs replacing. Or it could be the charging circuit got fried, which could lead to having to replace the motherboard.
I have opened it up and blown it out. The fans don't seem to run as fast as they used to so I'll look into thermal paste and new fans.

How would I be able to tell if it's the battery or charging circuit? Trial and error?

Thanks for your help!
Everytime a computer crashes, you can assume something may had become corrupted (HD/SSD), so the battery issue may be one of software instead of hardware.

If this were happening to me, I would not trust the integrity of the OS, reason why I keep OS Image Backups. I would also regularly run a s.m.a.r.t. monitor until the crashes are fixed.
With the battery you can try removing it and then placing it back in to see if you get a better connection and it will charge. Also try charging it when the laptop is on and also when off. If it won't charge at all, then you have to figure if it is the battery or the charging circuit. However, if it will charge when turned off, just not when turned on, then it is the charger that needs replacing.

I don't have exact images or video for your device, however this video, and part two which is linked in the details about the video, should give you a better idea on how you can check the charging circuit/motherboard. https://youtu.be/qcWowCgOFOw

The battery is definitely charging, I'm still able to use it plugged in and unplugged. The problem is it doesn't show an accurate charge. It's usually stuck on around 84% and if I can use it until it dies, but the 'charge remaining' stays constant at 84% - or shows 'unknown remaining'.

Besides the powering off while gaming and unknown charge amount the laptop is still working.
hey im having this exact same problem, i was playing a game, thing crashed from getting really hot, then graphics card stopped working, hasa started working again but now battery levels are screwed up and will crash time to time, have you found a fix for it?