so i downloaded the new real tek drivers 2017 everything works then i get yellow exmation mark in device manger do anyone no how fix this i unstall the drivers and restall them still the same problem
The latest drivers don't always work with an older sound card.
Right click on that Device Manager entry and go to Properties and then click the Details tab. Scroll to HardwareIDs and take a note of the four characters which follow VEN for Vendor and also the four following DEV for Device.
Go to http/ and input those characters in the two relevant boxes and follow the trail to the right driver. When you find the list of the Vendor's drivers, they aren't in order so use your browser's Find facility to track the Device details. With luck you'll have an executable file but some will be a zipped folder.
You should end up with a functional device but the only way to get top notch sound is by buying a new...
The latest drivers don't always work with an older sound card.
Right click on that Device Manager entry and go to Properties and then click the Details tab. Scroll to HardwareIDs and take a note of the four characters which follow VEN for Vendor and also the four following DEV for Device.
Go to http/ and input those characters in the two relevant boxes and follow the trail to the right driver. When you find the list of the Vendor's drivers, they aren't in order so use your browser's Find facility to track the Device details. With luck you'll have an executable file but some will be a zipped folder.
You should end up with a functional device but the only way to get top notch sound is by buying a new card.