Question Realtek Audio won't play stereo, only surround

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Dec 9, 2019
So I seem to have the opposite problem as everyone else. I'm trying to play stereo sound through my Realtek (desktop PC - Win 7) to 2 speakers, left and right. I've updated the driver to the latest version.

System sounds work fine. music works fine. But, if I try to play anything with human voice, be it from a file or off a web browser, I get music, some sound effect, no voices. so I'm getting surround left and right, but no center channel sound at all. The only time I can hear the center channel is if I turn on environment effects, but then everything is echoey and crappy sounding.

The really weird part is it does this with files I know are stereo only, like the device is seperating sound by frequency or something.

I've been trying to figure this out for like a month now. Any help would be appreciated.
The speakers are fine. I've used 3 different speakers with the same results.

It doesn't matter what program I use, the results are the same.

The "environmental" sound plays back without a problem.

The "main mix" doesn't play any sound in the vocal range (as if surround sound)

It seems like a Karaoke mode. But to be clear, all FX are disabled.
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Just a thought,
Have you opened the sound control panel and done the configure for 5.1 or 7.1? does the mid channel work? I had a Motherboard that would only configure the speakers when they were plugged in, every once in a while I had to re teach.
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