It's not a car, it's not a TV, it's not even a computer, it's a game. Just like movies. Why did movies get a good month? Because they had Xmen, Star trek and another one I don't remember. If the movies are bad, you can't compare it to last years releases, because why would anyone go to a movie they don't want to see.
Same goes for games. If a game is bad, why would anyone buy it. The games have gone from being good to being really really bad. We are stuck with games that don't last a day, we've got games that are too easy, too many continues and no game over, too boring, too old that the graphics would look great 10 years ago.
I'm sorry, but games aren't improving at all. I don't buy games, I have my MMO and I'll keep playing that, as the other things on the market are junk.
I don't participially like Blizzards marketing strategy, others love the cashcow model, but I prefer more releases, but that's their strat and it's working for them. I'm looking out to Diablo 3 and well I'll have a look at SC2 too I guess, but I'm not so much into strategy games anyway.
I don't expect it to recover soon, not until we see a good game again. Comparing to other years only works when you expect 10 good games to release and you had 10 good releases the year before.