recommend Wifi Hotspot program



Let me explain what I would exactly wish to achieve by this. I would like, for example, to install Wifi Hotspot program on one laptop. That laptop is connected to Wifi, plain way. But now I want to connect, for example, mobile phone to Wifi, but to avoid / prevent ISP to be able to see that mobile phone is connecting. So they can't see phone's MAC adress connecting to that Wifi.

Which Hotspot program can do it?

Also, is possible to adjust in Hotspot program to provide different IP adress to device connecting to it?
It seems you can't read, or can't accept the answer.
- if you get your Internet thru WiFi, you cannot connect separate WiFi to Windows laptop
- with single WiFi adapter, you can have only one connection - either to ISP, or as hotspot.
How is ISP not able to see which MAC adress connect?

When you set Wifi Hotspor from PC, as I remember you can see MAC adresses of devices connectiong to your hotspot. So why than ISP won't be able to see MAC adress connected to router?

Or you mean they can't see MAC adress of device connecting to your hotspot?

Which Wifi Hotspot software you would recommend?

They can't see what is connecting to the router, they just see the data coming in from the device. That is not the same thing, if your device is not sending data they have no way of knowing if it's connecting since they don't control the router. Now if you have a gateway which is a router and model in one unit, then if they go in to manage the device they can see things. If you have a modem and your own router that you use, they can't get into the router to see what is connected.

If you are trying to hide data usage from the ISP doing this or something similar, it won't work.
yes, modem and router in same unit.

but if I install Wifi Hotspot program on laptop, and set it to act as new hotspot with another password, and then connect phone to Laptop's Wifi hotspot, not the one modem and router are providing. in that case, is ISP able to see phone MAC adress (I will be able to see it on laptop in my hotspot program) ??

If the laptop is using the ISP connection, they will see the data coming from the phone. Not sure if they will see the MAC address of the phone in the packets but likely it will be there.
that is the point of this question :) . because phone is connection to Laptop's provided Wifi. Can anyone confirm?

of different Wifi Hotspor programs work different?