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KennyJr that was an outstanding and very detailed response. Wow!
Top post on this one. I can't cut your work & I hate scrolling to the
bottom of a follow-up only to find an AOL one liner [me too] reply.
This may be of interest:
Cold Snail who also frequents Steve's DigiCams Forums
/ put together some excellent Kodak
tips on the Kodak Easysharers Forum at
Goto: ... A crash course on Kodak digital cameras ... Tips and tricks
.... PASM modes #'s 1 to 4.
"PASM modes #4 M mode" was so well done and easy to understand how to
shoot in low light situations I ripped a copy into an MsWord doc for
safe keeping.
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:39:35 -0500, KennyJr
<> wrote:
>In article <>,
> says...
>> Also, is there a detailed guide, which would explain what exactly is
>> the PASM settings. I often end up getting bad shots in this mode.
>The PASM mode isn't that hard to understand once you figure it out. PASM
>stands for (P)rogram, (A)perture priority, (S)hutter priority, and (M)
>In PASM mode you can use the menu to change the ISO setting, white
>balance, color mode, exposure metering, focus zone, and sharpness
>settings of the camera.
>Generally I leave ISO set to AUTO because increase ISO also increases
>noise. Your best bet is to use the flash or if your subject is static
>use a tripod. White balance is another setting I ussually leave to AUTO
>unless I see a need to change it. Color mode will be a matter of
>personnal preference. Take a shot of various subjects in each mode and
>see which you like the best.
>Changing exposure metering can be very useful under certain conditions.
>For instance if you are shooting a backlit subject you may want to
>switch to spot or center weighted metering to get the best results.
>Focus zone like exposure metering could also be useful at times. By
>default the camera uses multizone. If you are having a hard time
>focusing you might try switching it to center zone.
>Sharpness is another setting I leave alone. You can get better results
>with a photo editor.
>So much for the menu options. You'll find the PASM mode quite useful at
>In (P)rogram mode the camera sets the Aperture and Shutter speed for
>you, but you can change the exposure compensation to lighten or darken
>the image. I find this useful for taking pictures of snow where the
>camera want to make the picture too dark.
>In (A)perture priority mode you can change the f-stop and the camera
>sets the Shutter speed. This mode allows you to control the depth of
>field of the shot. A larger aperture (smaller f-stop #) allows a shallow
>depth so that only your subject is in focus, closer further objects are
>blurred. A smaller aperture (larger #) gives you more depth of field and
>allows more of the scene to be in focus. When using this mode keep an
>eye on the shutter speed. If it gets to long you may need a tripod.
>In (S)hutter priority mode you set the shutter speed and the camera sets
>the aperture. This is good for action shots where you want to freeze the
>action or night shots where you want a slow shutter speed. If you use a
>slow shutter speed you need a tripod.
>In (M)anual mode you control both shutter speed and aperture and the
>camera controls exposure compensation. This bothers me to no end. In my
>opinion the camera should leave the EV at 0 in manual mode. The reason
>you use manual mode is to have full control of the shot.
>When using any of the PASM modes if the numbers turn red then your out
>of range of what the camera can adjust to.
>If you want a more detailed explanation of any of the menu settings or
>program modes feel free to ask here or to email me.
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