replaytv 40gig



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I took the harddrive out of the replay and want to use it in my pc as an
extra drive. I did a low level format, but it shows up as 33 gig no 40.

How do I recover the other 7 gigs or so?



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On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 05:50:33 -0500, "Mango Masher" <>

>I took the harddrive out of the replay and want to use it in my pc as an
>extra drive. I did a low level format, but it shows up as 33 gig no 40.
>How do I recover the other 7 gigs or so?

That often happens. There's no missing 7 gigs, just different math.
Windows counts gigs differently.


[spam snipped]


Mark Lloyd

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh


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"Mango Masher" <> wrote in message
> I took the harddrive out of the replay and want to use it in my pc as an
> extra drive. I did a low level format, but it shows up as 33 gig no 40.
> How do I recover the other 7 gigs or so?

Here's an email I sent previously discussing the difference between
MANUFACTURER and OS capacities.

Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:20 PM
Subject: 137GB hard drive limit

(here 'tis)

Funny. I'd been occasionally wondering where the bizarre "137GB limit"
value for hard drives came from, but hadn't put much effort into figuring it
out. And any time that I've installed a hard drive larger than this, the
drives have come with included disk controller cards -- so I hadn't directly
butted up against the issue.

Well, the Tivo suffers from the same limit, so it was time to figure it out.
Didn't take long. The "137GB" value refers to the manufacturer's reported
hard drive size (bytes measured "metric-ly" using 1000 as the factor) --
based on a 128GiB OS limit (true to the binary nature of computers). So,
the limit for the maximum usable hard drive space is 128GiB. You can
install whatever size drive you want, but you'll have leftover unused disk
space if you buy anything *labeled* at 137GB or higher. (Unless, of course,
your computer/OS supports larger hard drives.)

NOTE: Well, I'm not sure exactly *why* there was a limit imposed in the
first place, but at least I now understand that the 137GB limit refers to
manf. reported sizes and that the actual OS limit is 128GB (GiB).

p.s. Here's some conversions you can use when translating between the
manufacturer and OS values....

OS_GB = 93% * ManufacturerGB
ManufacturerGB = 107% * OS_GB

where ( 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ) / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) =~ 0.93
(translating down to the common units, bytes, and then converting back

p.p.s. Actual usable space may vary based on the manufacturer not accurately
reporting the true size of the disk drive on the packaging. For example,
the "160GB" disk I just purchased showed up as 152GB of usable space; so,
the actual manufacturer disk size was 162GB -- but they rounded down to
simplify packaging. (I'd expect that they can round down at their choosing,
but would hope that it's illegal to round UP!)

Background articles....

Why doesn't my hard drive have the advertised amount of space?

Re: breaking the 137GB limit on an ATA-33 (not 133) controller


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"Karl Kaufman" <> shaped the electrons to say:
>NOTE: Well, I'm not sure exactly *why* there was a limit imposed in the
>first place, but at least I now understand that the 137GB limit refers to
>manf. reported sizes and that the actual OS limit is 128GB (GiB).

It is the number of bits used it addressing the drive. 32 bit
addressing maxes out at 128GiB. Larger drives use the newer LBA48
addressing - 48 bits.

-MZ, RHCE #806199299900541, ex-CISSP #3762
<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-755-4098
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