Report: Apple Revealing Two iPad 3 Tablets in January

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Ok I have been an apple fan since I bought an SE30 in 1992, however, get a grip...they are when all said and done a piece of technology, a tool which allows you to do work. Why get so hung up over it, a rolls Royce and a Kia both get you from a to b but you don't insult the driver and call them ignorant for choosing one over the other. I work in a predominately XP environment and we are currently evaluating tablets and believe me I know more about android tablets than I would want to know but we are recommending iPads because they are relatively secure, and are not likely to disappear from the market place in the next two years and they work. And because i work in a healthcare environment their lack of holes into the case is an advantage from an infection control stand point. I don't like to think I am ignorant I look at the requirement and assess what the need is against the technology, I could even recommend a diary and a filing cabinet does that make me a Luddite?
[citation][nom]tramit[/nom]You seem like a fanatic also but for a different agenda. How you see your friends is probably how they see you. Fanatics are blind.[/citation]

I'm hardly fanatic. I like my ipod and i was really excited over the first iphone when it came. But it's exacly like every other device out there. They have bugs and slowdowns. I take that in to consideration and not just plainly ignore them only bitch about the same bug on some other deivce.
If Apple had a Micro-SD slot on their devices, you would see a lot more "non-Apple" people buying them. Who wants to pay $100 for 16GB? I just got a SanDisk 16GB MicroSD for $14 shipped from Amazon. Then you could buy an 8GB for $250-$299 and be happy.
[citation][nom]whitey_rolls[/nom]Seriously contemplating buying an Ipad 3. I've been looking to get a tablet for a while and was dead set against Apple (Have previously been against buying their products, believe they are over priced and too controlling over content). At this point though with the lack of apps for android and third party hardware support it's pretty frustrating and I might give in to the Apple machine.We'll see about pricing.[/citation]
Once you use OS X you will not look back except to Ubuntu for a second computer. MS is nothing to me but a gaming platform and when their propriety Direct X dies there will be no need for that even. Long live Open GL
How are apple people considered iSheep? They are the ones who are not in the Windows flock.
Just saying. As a developer I own a Android and iphone, both have pros and cons. I prefer the apple os, but the android hardware usually gets updated faster. Apple has a more refined app store, android was cheaper prices for the same app. Both are good products, I know for some of you can't grasp that more than one company may make a good product.
I don't mind Apple quite frankly but they don't have a 7" version, which in my case is the perfect size. I would buy an Ipad 3 if it was in 7" format but its not, so Android gets my vote. As far as apps go, eh, they both have....good stuff. Nothing one has that the other doesn't, for serious work, i still have my laptop. GPS? I have a TomTom, KB/Mouse compatible! Yay, well that's fine for you, I have an HP 2230s which works just fine and has FANTASTIC battery life for work. Really, guys, its a time killer, that's what a tablet is, a convenience for checking social sites and reading, not even great for quick googling as most people who can afford tablets already have a smart phone. And to both sides of the market, Android and Apple, chill out man, its a tablet and people will have their own opinion, such hatred geeeeez! Its cool to DISCUSS your opinions but dang, this inst elementary school lol, quit it with name calling. If you fee strong enough, back it up with facts and links to your facts.
Oh just to add to above comment, I am a Windows guy through and through but I cant deny that Apple a good product, restricted as it is, one cant argue with huge success. Owned product: iPhone 3g (use an iTouch, not as a phone...almost usless now with new iOS 4.x) Sprint Evo View 4g 7" , HP 2230s laptop with Win 7, custom built PC with Win 7 (still rocking the C2D 6750 OCed)
omg u bought the mid level 5MP camera model!!???@#$@% LOSER! HAHAHAHA.... i got the 8MP model, mine is much better than yours and well worth the $100 price premiun. Seriously there must be more to it than a fancier camera. Dont you think it would cost apple more to make 2 different models? They must have a bunch of leftover 5MP Cameras from other devices they need to dump which is why they did this.
[citation][nom]ava__[/nom]You are so wrong. This is a device which will bring more and more money into Apple accounts. They currently have more than 70 billion dollars at their hands. Concentration of such an ammount of capital into a few hands WILL definitely affect your life. This kind of money is used TODAY to such things as suing competition out to oblivion, file more bogus/obvious patents, buying politicians lobbying changes into the patent system, change the whole law system to suit their needs. Do you realize how dangerous is this power they already have ?[/citation]
So you are advocating how much private citizens can make? What business is it of yours? If people don't like what a company is doing, simply do not buy the products that company offers. It really is just that simple. If they do something to break the law, then that needs to pointed out. But if a company is obeying the law, then they are free to do what they want. What is in my wallet is not your business.
This guy jacked my iPad I won in a sales contest at work.. so now I'm def gonna buy an iPad 3 after loving the first one so much. The iPad 2 seemed like a mediocre upgrade and the geek inside of me said hold out since you have rent and can't upgrade every cycle like when you were in high school.

[citation][nom]whitey_rolls[/nom]Seriously contemplating buying an Ipad 3. I've been looking to get a tablet for a while and was dead set against Apple (Have previously been against buying their products, believe they are over priced and too controlling over content). At this point though with the lack of apps for android and third party hardware support it's pretty frustrating and I might give in to the Apple machine.We'll see about pricing.[/citation]
And what about Microsoft and Intel? Windows, any version, is laden with viruses. They write viruses specifically for Windows XP mostly, but guess what, Vista and Windows 7 are XP with a new shell (does lipstick on a pig sound familiar?).

Intel can't make a processor that doesn't drain your battery in a couple hours, and they wonder why ARM controls mobile and their desktop monopoly is quickly fading. In 5-years, Microsoft and Intel will both be after thoughts. Mobile will replace laptops and laptops will render PCs for obsolete for the majority of people.

Microsoft Windows 8 will be just like ME and Vista before it, forgettable and irrelevant. What Microsoft and Intel failed to grasp was that the average consumer does not want a crappy OS that is controlled by viruses and malware; and/or a machine that can't last 2-hours on a charge, and that's after having to wait 10-minutes for it to boot up.

Apple made Microsoft and Intel obsolete with one product...the iPad. Apple exposed these two companies for what they are, apathetic, lazy and unimaginative. I hope neither company makes it into the future.
Why does everyone get so uptight when it comes to ios vs. android, both have their own pros and cons, if you prefer ios buy an iphone, if not get an android.
personally i chose the samsung galaxy s2 as it can outperform the iphone 4s in many aspects and was released in the UK 6 months before iphone 4s. I went for performance and value for £. however I also bought a 32gb ipod touch because lets face it, its an iphone 4... but skinnier and without a phone, i can connect to 3g on the go if i need to via my sgs2.
I also own an imac, toshiba satellite notebook, macbook air and a galaxy tab 10.1, clearly I am not biased either way.
That is why I would like to say, the term isheep is not used/should not be used to describe the owners of apple owners, however I use the term to describe the people who buy the products because everyone else has one so they presume they are good which of course they are but if they don't do their research and worked out what best suits their needs, or think they have but have no idea why its better, that is when i get annoyed. obviously the same goes the other way for android users but from what i've seen isheep are far more common and android fans are far more defensive and aggressive when giving their reasons for owning them.
People should be buying products because they are the top spec available at the time and best suited to what the product will be used for, or they are the best that the person can afford/is willing to spend.
Consumers of all brands should stop forcing opinions on people and let them do there own research into products and workout on their own which is best for them. And the lazy or stupid people can continue to buy the products that their friends have and the shiniest advert.
Rant over.
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