SKbx11 :
WalkandTalk30 :
After messing around with my setting I've found that what worked for me was changing the language settings (I did from Eng US to Eng Int) and changing back then turning the computer off and back on. Keys now work like there suppose to.
Interestingly I'm having the exact same problem ie left arrow key is typing p; right arrow key is typing 0; When I type p the cursor jumps before the p; ';' moves the page down.
Would you mind giving a step by step as to how you resolved? I'm not great with system settings. (My keyboard is set to UK English)
Get this, the only thing that managed to fix it for me just now, was uing System Restore to restore the state of the computer back to a version of itself that happened to exist yesterday, or something. The only thing being that System Restore did not restore itself successfully, saying that an antivirus or something could have gotten in the way, yet it managed to restore enough to where my keyboard keys are working the way they should again. Its printing things out correctly. So, try that, if changing the keyboard language, from the taskbar icon next to the date and time of your bottom right, to ENG INTL and then back to ENG, then turning your computer off and on again does not work for you.
Maybe screenshot a list of what will be removed/added if you restore your system.