Right speaker stronger on my headset dilemma


Jul 29, 2011
Hello. I started a forum post on the logitech forums about my headset (Logitech G930) and the problem it currently has, however I haven't received much help and was hoping the audio experts here could help because I've narrowed it down to being a computer issue and not an issue with the headset itself.

The problem I'm having is that exclusively in games, the right speaker is just so much stronger than the left one, all the sound effects go the right speaker and on the left is just ambiance. This did not happen before. I had an older Logitech G930 around but it does the same thing.

There are no speaker strength related settings I could change on the games I play so what could I do to fix this issue?

Thanks, appreciate it.
Here's the software mixer: http://prntscr.com/1am56s (screenshot)
And the software equalizer: http://prntscr.com/1am5bk

I don't use the surround sound (I think it's awful to be honest) so in stereo mode, when adjusting the mixer levels with surround sound off, I could only change the front left & right speakers (the ones in stereo mode). However, when changing those the following happened: Slightly less strength in the right speaker but still nothing from the left speaker as far as effects go. This slight change though caused my music and other PC things which were fine to now sound stronger in the left speaker. While games still stronger in the right speaker.

This happens regardless of software version/if I have the software installed.

What leads me to beleive this isn't an issue with the headset itself is that everything sounds great but games. Could it be something in the speaker properties of Windows 7?