RTV 5040 channel changing problem


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I have a RTV 5040 that was connected to a Dtv reciever via the serial
port. It worked slow but fine for several months. then it stopped
working. I switched to the IR blaster, which has never worked. I now
have Digital cable and no serial port to connect to and a different IR
blaster cable from something else and still I cannot get this to
change the channels. I have e-mailed replay about a dozem times and
called their Indian ca;; center three times to no avail. They just
have me go through the steps I already have gone through. Anyone have
any ideas???? Thisis virtually worthless if it cant change the
channels .....any ideas would be appreciated.

Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

bill wrote:
> I have a RTV 5040 that was connected to a Dtv reciever via the serial
> port. It worked slow but fine for several months. then it stopped
> working. I switched to the IR blaster, which has never worked. I now
> have Digital cable and no serial port to connect to and a different IR
> blaster cable from something else and still I cannot get this to
> change the channels. I have e-mailed replay about a dozem times and
> called their Indian ca;; center three times to no avail. They just
> have me go through the steps I already have gone through. Anyone have
> any ideas???? Thisis virtually worthless if it cant change the
> channels .....any ideas would be appreciated.

Post on the Replay forum at avsforums.com and list the box, etc. If you
have the delays etc set right, the IR blaster works perfectly and new
software builds have new serial codes added. Someone with your combo
will reply with the settings.