SAMSUNG and NETFLIX smart TV issues - 2015

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Save yourself a lot of aggravation. I bought and installed Fire stick. Works fine now on Netflix and Amazon.

Simple resolve.... reset smart hub then update the UHD kit ull have to register your tv at then log in to your account on the tv...after these steps, netflix is good to go

I had the same issue! Very frustrating. I fixed this issue by UNPLUGGING my TV for 5 minutes. I do this whenever an app freezes or doesn't respond. It works every time! Good Luck!

make sure you don't have squidguard running. It interferes with Netflix on Samsung and Tivo, but seems to let Netflix app on Apple and Sharp work properly.
This worked for me, and is by far the simplest fix. I have a new 55JU6400.

Make sure Netflix is off. Press and hold down the select key on the Netlix app icon, until the little trash can icon appears above it. Click the trash can. Netflix will be removed from your Recent list

Go to the Apps button for a list of available apps, and click on Netflix, and it should work now. I didn't even have to reenter my account info.
We have been experiencing the Network Connection message for a few weeks and today the hammer fell and we could not get into Netflix, YouTube, etc. We phoned Samsung Customer Service Canada @ 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) and the fellow (Marvin) we spoke to said he would send us a link with instructions on how to fix the issue. You'll got to a site where you will load the upgrade on to a memory stick. It took no time at all. Bottom line is that it worked and we are now back in business. I am sending a copy of the email that was sent to us. Please note these are Samsung's instructions (they fixed our issue). You can use the link below or if you are not comfortable doing that then call the Samsung Service number. We take no responsibility for your end result. Exact copy of the message as follows:-

From: Samsung Canada Service <>
Subject: Samsung TV Support

here is the link bellow you will get the page where to download the software that usb type

scrowl down where says -Downloads & Manuals then click where say - Firmware Upgrade File(USB type)(all) All OS, 141.38 MB, zip, ENGLISH MoreLess Version : 2004.0

next to this option, in the right hand side you will see the Upgrade guide(all) All OS, 0.49 MB, pdf, ENGLISH MoreLess Version : 1.0
just click on that option and fallow up the instruction

I hope this will resolve your issue.



Here's how I fixed it.
In the network settings for my Samsung smart TV, I set my ISP dns instead of Google dns. Then signed out of Netflix and signed back in.
Before all the above, I had tried resetting smart hub, switching off power to the TV for more than 5 minutes and practically every other step mentioned on forums online. Nothing worked.
My hunch is Netflix gets all spooked up if you use Google dns but are from a different country. Even if that country is covered by Netflix like in my case. I'm from India.
Hope this helps.

Open Smart Hub > highlight Netflix icon > hold down ENTER button until trashcan appears > ENTER & "confirm" at prompt.

Open Smart Hub again > left arrow to Featured > ENTER > highlight Apps > ENTER > up arrow to My Apps > highlight Netflix > hit ENTER but HOLD DOWN ENTER BUTTON until menu appears to right of icon > highlight Reinstall > ENTER > wait for clockwise icon to complete circuit > hit ENTER again & wait for Netflix to launch.


This worked for me also! I just held down the NETFLIX app, and my screen actually went blank. Went back into the new apps area, clicked Netflix, and it loaded!

Nov 2016 here.

Thank you!!!

I thank GlamorousAli for this solution which worked for me today after a SmartHub update. Go to Netflix on your SmartHub screen and hover there. Press Tools on the remote and select Reinstall. This worked like a dream!!

Turn off the TV unplugged the power for 10 secs plug back back in and turn TV back on should be working now.

I find 1 of 2 things normally work.
1. Reload or Reset Netflix.
If the Netflix app is working but won't play or load any programs.
From the Netflix menu press: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, up, up, up, up (not even joking). This will bring up the Netflix menu. From here you can reload Netflix or log out. Re-signing in will normally fix problems with the app.
2. If the app isn't working, re-run the setup in your t.v to do this turn the TV off, unplug the power AND LEAVE IT UNPLUGGED FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES. This gives the capacitors time to discharge. When you're ready, plug the TV back in and turn it on. It should prompt you to set up your Smart hub again. This will check for the latest updates to TV firmware and the app. Netflix will ask you to log in again too.
I've found that these two options have fixedthe issue every time. Takes about 10-15 minutes, but get me back binge watching House of Cards or Rick and Mordy! Good luck!
We recently had this problem on our new 65inch Samsung, where selecting Netflix would simply result in a black screen. Tried deleting and reinstalling the Netflix app. and switching the set off with the remote - neither worked. In the end I simply unplugged the TV at the wall, waited approximately 20 seconds, reconnected the power and hey presto, Netflix is working again.
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