I am no apple fan,especially am against their closed platform.However, they have created
an organisation that has so successfully utilised American innovation ( technical and more importantly creativity) to become the most valuable business model we have seen today.You
can critisize their business tactics but it has worked.I'm not saying follow their principals, but hey at least they have some and they are not hiding them unlike some.
For me ,Steve Jobs lead a company on the brink ,through some of the worst period of financial
crysis post WW2 the world has seen .I am a Vietnamese Australian and can see from this company's example that for as long as they stay true to the American spirit of creativity and innovation they will continue to be a force of influence and power.It's not to say these traits are
unique to Americans.The western world might be in decline however if we hold true to being positive and being innovative in principal, there is no reason why we can't all grow. The way forward for us all is to be creative in thinking and to defend our
democratic way of life that has given rise to nurturing free thinking .