Question Samsung Galaxy A12 Increase both ram and storage?


Mar 20, 2013
Hey guys, I am kind confused about what's best to do to increase both the amount of memory and storage. Looking at the guide here:

I am wondering how I can add 2 cards, one for memory for which the current is only 612 mb and the storage which is 32 GB which I would like to have 128 gb, any ideas please? Looks like only one slot available for one card.
oK, thanks, he will get a better phone. BTW, any recommendations for a good media player please guys? That is the only reason for him upgrading to a better phone.

What he needs is an App which will allow him to choose his music folders which he will need to import unto the phone and play whichever folders as a playlist with volume leveling and crossfade, like a radio station.