Samsung Galaxy Note


Jun 29, 2011
I have been searching for a few days for a new phone and a few have caught my eye, one of which being the Samsung Galaxy Note. I really like the look of it. But I would also like some other opinions. I am looking for a very fast capable smartphone preferably dual core or even quad. A high res camera, I'm talking at least 5 MP, and high internal storage, at least 8GB. Also the OS has to be Android, IOS, or Windows (I don't want an iPhone).
Listen buddy the Galaxy s3 is the fastest phone in the world it can run better looking games than the ps3, it has flash , it has a quadcore, it is awesome, ios is crap and windows also

galaxy note is very slow compared to the s3 , and the screen of the s3 is super amoled 720p

you will enjoy it as for the specs u named the s3 is way above anything u want atm
I don't think the SIII is ~quite~ as good as the PS3 in terms of graphics, but yes it's the fastest (or close to it) phone in the world right now. Unfortunately, if you live in the US, the processor will be a Snapdragon S4 (which is a dual core, but still very fast), as opposed to the Exynos 5250 that Samsung made (which is a quad core). Any high end phone in the US is pretty much forced to use the S4 right now, because their aren't any quad core processors that have LTE connectivity, which is the new "thing". Apart from the SIII, I would recommend the HTC One X. It's a very good looking phone, and has roughly the same specs as the SIII. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is rumored to be coming out fairly soon with an upsized screen (from 5.3" to 5.5"), but I wouldn't put too much stock in rumors. All of these have an 8 mp camera, and the HTC One X and Galaxy SIII I know for sure have 16gb of internal storage.