Solved! Samsung Galaxy SM-T800 Tablet (6.0.1) Locking up/Freezing

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Apr 17, 2017
Afternoon guys

I am looking for some help with my Samsung Galaxy SM-T800 Tablet (6.0.1)
It has recently started locking up/freezing and not responding to any input (including pwr button + vol down), I would need to leave the tablet for 5mins to become responsive (sometimes it would do a restart, which would take a very long time)

I eventually did a factory reset and for the a day or two the tablet was fine but after that the lock up problem started again

Downloads apps since factory reset

Nova Launcher
British Gas
Sky Q
Screen Filter
Halifax Banking
Easy OTG Checker
Night Filter

Thank in advance
If you only did a "Factory Reset" then it should have left some data on the device. Which could be your problem. Especially if there are/were any bad apps, viruses, malware, etc., on it. You may want to try running some apps to test for that stuff and see if any problems are found.

Also, if you have a lot of apps running at the same time this will cause lots of lovely problem. Just stopping using an app doesn't mean it isn't running on the device using up resources. You actually need to close it. And even then some will use up resources.

Try running the device in "Safe Mode" and see if you get the same problems. If you don't, then it is an app (or two), a virus or malware. So you can then check for those. If it still does it in "Safe...
If you only did a "Factory Reset" then it should have left some data on the device. Which could be your problem. Especially if there are/were any bad apps, viruses, malware, etc., on it. You may want to try running some apps to test for that stuff and see if any problems are found.

Also, if you have a lot of apps running at the same time this will cause lots of lovely problem. Just stopping using an app doesn't mean it isn't running on the device using up resources. You actually need to close it. And even then some will use up resources.

Try running the device in "Safe Mode" and see if you get the same problems. If you don't, then it is an app (or two), a virus or malware. So you can then check for those. If it still does it in "Safe Mode" then it is hardware.

To get into "Safe Mode" please do the following.

1. First turn off the tablet.

2. Next press and hold "Power" until you see the manufacturers logo on the screen, then release the power button.

3. "Quickly" press "Volume Down" and hold it for few seconds until you see the message "Safe mode: ON" or something similar.

4. If you wanted disable it, simply repeat the steps above, and you should see "Safe Mode: OFF" rather than on.
Thanks for the help, for some reason I cannot get my tablet into Safe mode, I have done a format of the tablet and only have the bare bones on it now but still it locks up for a few minutes

Can I assume it is most likely a hardware issue ?
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