Well another idea would be that it has a ton of background apps that start when you turn it on and then never get turned off. You could look into that.
I do use it a lot. Anyone else have an idea to stop cpu from overheating so quickly, if its not defective. Does anyone else have this proble with Samsung Tablets?
Well another idea would be that it has a ton of background apps that start when you turn it on and then never get turned off. You could look into that.
I do use it a lot. Anyone else have an idea to stop cpu from overheating so quickly, if its not defective. Does anyone else have this proble with Samsung Tablets?
I have the same problem with an LG running android. The tablet is not even hot to the touch. This started happening after I left it in a hot car. But it kept happening even in a cool house after being re-started several hours later. I believe that the battery was somehow damaged when I first left the tablet in the hot car and now it continues to quickly overheat. I got a new battery and it does not happen any more.