Samsung Magician RAPID Mode error: Windows Installer service failed to start


Jun 15, 2016
Hello there!

I just installed the Samsung Magician software in order to get more performance out of my SSD. But i ran into a problem, when i try to enable RAPID Mode a error message comes up saying that the Windows Installer service failed to start and it wont enable RAPID Mode. I tried going into services and enabling the service manually but it still didnt work. So if theres any experienced Samsung Magician user that could might help me i would be grateful.

Thank you

Sorry I am not using Magician myself, but for my clients when I build and tweaked their pcs for them, using the 850 Pro. They were all 4.9 versions. Latest seems to be 4.9.7. In all cases, I have not enabled Rapid mode since it is merely RAM cache, and I do not want background software running on those pcs since they are used for big screen live presentations with a specialized software.

In any case, there is nothing in this article about not being able start the service, but you could browse through anyway :

Sorry can't help further, but if anything comes up, I shall revert.


Depends what you use your pc for. In my cases, we use it to playback multiple layers of full hd videos, sometimes up to 6 layers of H264 simultaneously. In my tests, the Samsung 850 Pro has no problem with this. Not sure of the EVO. The 850 Pro is rated at 550MB/s without Rapid, and that's good enough for us in a lot of cases.

That article I pointed to should allow you to evaluate whether it is worth trying to fix the problem. Did the problem arise with an earlier version of Magician? Rollback?