Samsung shuts off


Dec 30, 2016
My Samsung shuts off by itself. I thought it was a capacitor problem, but no noticeable problems. I want to get a repair kit. I have the Samsung un50eh5000f. I have seen repair kits online for this model, but I have version PJ03. Does the version matter? I can't seem to find this version specifically.
I had the very same issue. You need to turn off all power saving elements in the TV's menu also turn off any miracast or screen mirroring tech as all can cause the TV to blink off (whether to save power or try and connect to external devices). LMk if this helps your situation.

I don't have those feutures in the menu. I would like to know is if replacement boards for my the replacement boards for my model are the same or do I have to watch the version. Mine is a Samsung UN50EH5000F version PJ03.
I honestly don't know on the boards. As for no power save settings on a samsung i find that hard to believe. Not having miracast or screen mirroring is a little more believable. Double check you don't have an eco mode under system tab.