Samsung Smart TV and Youtube APP resolution


Jul 25, 2015
Hello there,

I have searched the internet and have not come to a definite answer. When i open the browser on Samsungs Smart TV and go to youtube. I cannot increase the resolution higher than 720P even for videos that will load at 1080P on my laptop.

I called samsung who said the browser had elementary features and woud not stream 1080P or 4K resolution (which is what i am interested in).

They asked me to run the video on youtube APP. the problem is that you cannot change the Resolution setting via the APP. Samsung told me that APP automatically configures the resolution depending on the bandwidth. I do not know how much truth there is to it but can someone confirm a solution to know exactly what bandwidth/resolution the clip is being played at ?

If you have a browser on your TV, Samsung has finally dragged their somewhat rather clunky Fisher Price browser into HTML 5 country and you can watch that format video, the definition is adjustable, however this will depend on the speed of your home connection, 4K Video really only works well with multiple devices online with a Giga-Bit service, if you have other network users in your household prepare to either banish them or suffer frequent 256Kb style buffering during your viewing, My 1080p set performs reasonably well, sadly the tech is still really in it's infancy with the nerds delivering a new format way too often, so whatever we buy today will look like your Dad's Radiogram within 10 years anyway...