Oh dear, Android KitKat - that's bad news. They've made it harder to achieve in KitKat but it can be done with difficulty. The downside is that if it doesn't work it could turn the device into a brick and invalidate any warranty you have. If that isn't bad enough, many apps simply can't transfer and work properly afterwards. If they're auto-start when you power up the phone, that facility goes out the windows.
Some apps insist in keeping a foot in the internal memory so that detracts from the intention of saving some.. If you remove the card, you could lose widgets and shortcuts which were on there and they'd have to be reconstituted manually even after the card is put back in.
The first stage would have to be rooting the device and that alone probably goes against the terms of any contract to may have with the vendors or your service provider.
Sorry - in those circumstances I can't really help because I don't want to cause damage to your device.
Thenka for the Best Answer Solution but I'm removing that because I don't feel I've bene very helpful.