Samsung TV won't display subtitles

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Feb 1, 2014
Not sure if this question belongs to this part of the forum but here goes. I've been trying for hours to get my Samsung TV (ue50ju6875) to play subtitles for a mkv file. I've put the files in the same folder and named them the same name both folder and files). I've tried to change the coding of the srt file to every type available... the subtitles. will. not. play... I'm using a USB stick and have done this before but now nothing works

Any suggestions?

The selected answer works good but I've found a better and easier workaround. Samsung smart tv does not display any separate subtitle file if the MKV file contain merged subtitles,and there is no way to tell the TV to ignore them.
in order to make things work you don't need to use any third party application like MKVtoolnix , all you need to do is to change the file extension from MKV to AVI , and then put your subtitle files in the same directory just like you said . dont forget to rename your subtitles identical to the movie file name

Glad you found a solution, however be aware that in general you should NOT change the extension of any file. In this particular case changing from MKV to AVI still means it's the Matroska container so there's a good chance you'd confuse some media players so that the "AVI" file might now not work other places.

Your media file has four main components:
a) video (i.e. H264)
b) audio (i.e. AAC)
c) Subtitle (i.e. vobsub)
d) container (MKV)

You don't change ANY of that by renaming the extension to AVI. Nor can a media device decode a Matroska file if it actually thinks it's AVI... it's still splitting with a Matroska protocol... so luckily it works but again there's no guarantee that will work elsewhere.

It's like naming an MP3 audio file to AAC. It's still an MP3 audio file so some devices might manage to decode as MP3 but others might expect AAC and produce garbage or just crash.

(there are also examples where renaming the extension makes sense. For example renaming "rar" to "cbr" for comics scanned into as a collection of JPG's then bundled as a RAR file. When you rename to CBR that allows a program like CDisplay to launch and show the comic as intended rather than a program like WinRAR which would just launch and show the list of JPG's in the rar file)

Thank you for the useful technical information.despite your solution is absolutely correct It takes a lot of time and effort for someone who just wants to sit on his couch and watch the movie while enjoying his pizza without having to deal with a multi-platform open source app and you know the rest...!
I think this is the situation in which a little hack makes the life easier. After all we are not renaming the functions of Boeing 747
Sure, just trying to help.

But to be fair, once you learn how to remove a subtitles it's DAMN SIMPLE. I just do this:

1) open the app (linked as MKVtoolnix GUI)
2) drag over the video
3) unclick the subtitle(s), other audio track etc I don't need, then
4) click "start multiplexing" (or add to queue if multiple files), and
5) test

Basically takes a few SECONDS to deal with.
Big THANKS for that! I have this kind of problems on my new samsung tv all the time. Very appreciated !!


I'm just posting to give you a BIG thanks man! you really saved me. Samsung's software really sucks.
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