Samsung UN55ES7100 Smart TV will not Connect to new WiFi Router

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Yard Slave

Apr 10, 2015
I was experiencing some problems with our 2 year old UN55ES7100 Samsung 3D TV with Netflix, so I decided to replace my 10 year old Linksys WRT54GS Wireless G Broadband router. I installed a new Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 Smart WiFi Router. Our 2 I-phones and 2 I-pads lit up in about 5 seconds each, but I have spent about 6 hours over 2 days trying to get the TV to connect to the WiFi. I'm exasperated, having dealt with Samsung (and exhausted their efforts) and still have no satisfaction! I'm about to pack up the new Netgear router and return it to London Drugs.

Anyone else experiencing these issues and do you have a solution?

It worked fine on the old Linksys router except some occasional drops on Netflix. Wasn't sure if it was Netflix or the old router, so decided to upgrade. So far things have gone "backwards!"

April 10th, 2015

Last night I updated software for Samsung TV. Samsung Tech emailed me a link with a Zip file. Installed on a flash drive and connected to TV. It took the updated software (2003.2) successfully, but nothing changed when trying to connect to my Netgear AC1900 Smart WiFi Router. I worked on this for a couple hours, then finally re-installed my 10 year old Linksys WRT54GS Wireless G Broadband router. It would not connect either!

Today I'm trying to decide if I should return the new router, but it does appear to run our 2 I-pads, I-Mac and I-phones a bit faster, so I may as well keep that.

Still waiting for a solution! Really miss Netflix!
Tried that already working with Samsung Techs. It didn't work. Seems like there have been many posts here regarding the same thing with connecting to TV to the WiFi. Has anyone found a solution yet?

Ive read its not Router connects to router but cannot connect to internet.
Samsung server issued smarthub update in Feb. Millions of tvs stopped connecting to internet. Sounds like same issue in March and again in April.
. Each time tv turns on, Samsung smart tv 'calls home'. Something downloaded and now the tv eont connect to internet. Call Samsung and ask for firmware update
I completed a Firmware update the first night I was having trouble. The Firmware recommended by Samsung was 2003.2 for this TV. I'm sure they must be trying to make a new version for everyone that lost their connectivity due to their recent changes..... or else there will many new TV purchases in the future that will be "anything but Samsung!"
Hi. I ran across this thread with the same issue. I waited over 30min to chat with a Samsung support person.

This was the solution: Please press Menu>>Network>>Network status>>IP settings and Change the DNS server address to Manually.

I'm now able to open Netflix again.
nubuilder, you have saved my evening! I was tearing out my hair. Tried everything, resetting, etc. Changing the DNS server address did the trick. I have been convinced that my internet server was the problem. It is really appalling that these problems are so widespread and hard to solve! Ready to go back to my "dumb" panasonic plasma tv!
This was the solution: Please press Menu>>Network>>Network status>>IP settings and Change the DNS server address to Manually.

Worked for me, Thanks.
I would love to change my DNS manually except it is not highlighed as an option. Only auto is highlighted. Also have wifi access but no internet! sick of this crap!!



Hello community, I tried the DNS and wireless router is still not connecting, I have been getting connected with wire on my tv all updates are up to date but still I can't get connected on wireless wifi. If anyone else is having a solution please let me know.


After a lot of research, this worked for me.

1. Factory reset your tv, this link shows how to rest
This following code worked for my Samsung un55es710f:
Turn the power off. On the remote, press Mute followed by 1, 8, 2, Power in sequence.
Be careful, don't change others things

2. Go to: Control > sub option and change "wifi region" and chose A

3. Go back

4. Go to: SVC > SVC restart

5. Power on TV and you should be able to configure and wifi networks can be found again.

Hope this helps!
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I have no idea why this worked but all I had to do was change my ipsettings a couple of time first I tried to manually make the dns entry second I tried manually ip setting then I switched back to DHCP for both and all the sudden it started working. I really believe the trick is not to "Try again". keep messing back and forth between setting the IP manually and changeing back to dhcp. And it will work.

Kinda like beating a dead horse to get up.

This WORKED!! also change DNS to :
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