Sandisk Sansa e280 Good Call or No?


Apr 9, 2007
SO my Rio Forge finally took a crap, well not completely. It randomly shuts off if I wiggle the headphone plug and its annoying when at the gym. So I actually researched and ordered a Sandisk Sansa e280 which is the 8GB model for $130 off newegg. So what are your thoughts on this. It seems to be a little thicker than a Nano but with more features.


I am sorta anti iPod. Well maybe more Anti Fad, I don't like to jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. I also feel iPods are expensive to fix and lack many features. Just my opinion. I needed something with an FM tuner so I can listen to the TV's at the gym as well.
What is the FLAC codec?

I am not into audio that much so i need help in this area.

I was looking at a Cowon iAudio 7 but questioned its support and accessories. I almost chose it over the Sansa but i went for over all support. THoe only thing I don't like is that it doesnt have a Line Out. I had tried to hook my old MP3 player in my last vehicle stereo and it never sounded that great from the headphone jack. Not sure if I want to invest in th AUX kit for my Accord on an "it might sound ok"
actually my friend told me that he called sandisk support because ho broke his and asked if third party firmware would void it and he said the warrenty covers the hardware so any software you put on it is fine
What is the advantage of RockBox? I am not familiar, please enlighten me.

I actually like the standard interface. I really only want it for the Music and FM radio. I mainly use this for the gym. I got a Griffin Temp armband but have yet to use it. the earbuds are ok but I ordered some phillips ones with the ear wrap around so they dont fall out.

I might get a speaker dock for my new workstation when I switch jobs the beginning of December. Any suggestions on that?

I am enjoying using Media Player to upload songs, its way better than trying to use iTunes on my GF's iPud
Altec Lansing inMotion iM510 for a speaker dock... looks great and they say it has really good audio quality. I will be getting one asw soon as I have the cash. Rockbox is only for people who really want more out of there player; but it would be more trouble then its worth if you just want it for music and radio. I i will definitly have to agree on windows media player. wayyyyyyy better than itunes happy sansaing
That thing is $100. i was looking along the lines of something little to dock it in at my desk at work and put some classical or something soothing on it. Nothing spectacular. I guess just cheap set of speakers in he headphone jack would work.

I wish they made a Car Dock for it. I'd really like that. Or at least a little line out adapter.

I do like it though I got the Griffin tempo armband for the gym. It should be bigger cause i lift weights and it tends to unvelcro. Guess they are made for runners not lifters.

I find that hard to believe. Third party firmware are typically unauthorized software and loading them onto a piece of hardware voids the warranty because the firmware can cause reliability issues and in extremely unusual cases it can cause hardware failure.

Rockbox is a 3rd party firmware upgrade that add features to certain hard drive based music players.

Below is a link that compares the features of Rockbox's firmware to the standard firmware offered by the manufacturer. Rockbox is only compatible with certain players.

Note that this will void the warranty of any DAP (digital music player).

I'm looking at installing the firmware 'cause I want the ability to play FLAC on my iRiver H140; the warranty expired anyway. This will supplement the flash based Cowon D2 8GB player I want to buy.