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"sft" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 13:10:29 -0500, "noone" <> wrote:
>>"Fat Bastard" <> wrote in message
>>> Lol. I'm with you. The signal meter built into the receiver works just
>>> fine
>>> for most people. Sure, it's a little more of a pain when only one person
>>> is
>>> doing the install, since you can't often hear or see the IRD's built in
>>> meter from up on your roof, but everything can be made to work if you
>>> make
>>> a
>>> little effort. The handheld meter is handy for that, but I've never
>>> found
>>> one necessary really.
>>Call your house phone with your cell phone. Answer the house phone, set it
>>next to the TV. Turn up the volume so you can hear the signal tone. Put
>>cell in your pocket, climb the latter, and start your tuning!
>>Works much easier than trying to communicate intelligently with a woman
>>depending on her to actually give you the right answer to the question you
>>are asking about with the signal meter.
> LOL, how are you supposed to climb your pocket?

damn good point!! dd not tt. Oopsies