Solved! Screen bleeding Repair/fix

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Sep 11, 2016
hay. please help me
I have a problem on my laptop screen. screen bleeding.
I had brought my laptop to a service center asus
and they replace me with lcd lcd new
but after the finish there was no change on my screen. screen bleeding persists.
I also back to bring my laptop to a service center asus after so long they say that the bleeding screen will still be there even if the screen has been replaced with a new one
whether the screen bleeding can not be repaired. or is it just the way they lied to me
whether the screen bleeding can not be repaired even has been replaced with a new screen panel?

Please help
thank you

Asus G752vs Rb71
personally i would give it a go if it was my only option and it was a cheap dell. but its not its a high end asus and the hardware inside isnt worth voiding the warranty for a fix that may or maynot work.

there are options though... you could replace the screen with that from another manufacturer if you can find 1 that has the same dimensions and rez and power requirements.
but then theres connecting it to the rest of the system. it may not have the same connector or pin layout. so you would either have to rewire the connector or get 1 custom made. again not a great option.

or you can rma it and ask for a refund. your not happy with your purchase even after repair you should be able to get your money back...(depending on the laws in...

yes. Is it true is a back light bleeding.where this damage occurs. on the screen or the screen frame??
its not damage mate. its just the way the screen has been made at the factory and to what spec.
basically every model in the range that uses that screen will have the same or similar issue.

personally i would give it a go if it was my only option and it was a cheap dell. but its not its a high end asus and the hardware inside isnt worth voiding the warranty for a fix that may or maynot work.

there are options though... you could replace the screen with that from another manufacturer if you can find 1 that has the same dimensions and rez and power requirements.
but then theres connecting it to the rest of the system. it may not have the same connector or pin layout. so you would either have to rewire the connector or get 1 custom made. again not a great option.

or you can rma it and ask for a refund. your not happy with your purchase even after repair you should be able to get your money back...(depending on the laws in your region)

can you explain. why even though I has to replace lcd backlight bleed WITH Newly Fixed ADA. where is the location of the damage. whether on the screen frame?? Please
its not damage mate. its a result of using low cost high volume screens...
its a quality control issue. your best bet is send it back and get a replacement. if the replacement has the same issue then get a refund.

Thanks Hexif.
I have 1 more question

whether the screen bleed can also be caused by a magnet?
i dont think so mate. if it was gonna be affected by a magnet it would have to be a strong 1 and right up against it...
back in the day when crt was a thing magnets could kill your screen.
now everything is micro electronic and lcd, so i dont think magnets have quite the same affect or pose the same risks to your screen.
What could happen in the screen bleed TN panel display?
Or just in Ips panel
I was tired already replacing g752vs 2 units. and the result is the same
I plan to replace the panel Tn gt73vr
whether it can suffer bleed screen also
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