Screen highlights when I press "space bar" on my Laptop

Aug 27, 2018
When I press the spacebar of my keyboard, the screen gets highlighted around the cursor (a row along the cursor is highlighted). It says press esc to exit on the top of the highlighted row. Watch the video below
How can I get rid of this... it happens every time I press the spacebar.
Im using an asus laptop with windows 10 OS
Can someone help me please..... thank you

I guess you have installed a third party application called "careueyes" on your pc . So its causing the problem mentioned by you . Therefore configure the app to disable the that highlighting feature when pressing space key or exit the app from taskbar . This should help
Check the Ease of Access settings in Windows 10

Press "Win" + "I" > Ease of Access.

Take a look at the options available and how they are currently set.

Keep some notes. Remember to change only one thing at a time. Write down where and what you changed. Original setting and the setting you changed to.

If nothing works, then reinstall the display drivers.


I tried tinkering with the settings on ease of access but still couldn't fix it. Thank you for the response

I guess you have installed a third party application called "careueyes" on your pc . So its causing the problem mentioned by you . Therefore configure the app to disable the that highlighting feature when pressing space key or exit the app from taskbar . This should help

Thank you so much... that was the problem all along. I uninstalled the software and now it's fixed