Screen tearing (I think that's the name for it) on laptop


Mar 1, 2016
So I'm having these weird screen tearing on my screen when I play videos on Youtube and offline (movies and stuffs) occasionally. Started happening around December (I think), I received the laptop itself in November so its new. GPU drivers are up to date, but not Windows, currently. However, I still was getting these issues when Windows was up to date. I don't see any issues in games, no FPS drops anything like, just videos.

Also, the issues appears strictly on videos it seems. When I remove fullscreen on Youtube on an affected video, these weird, "things" only appears on the video, not anywhere else on the screen (no screenshot for it though).

On a side note, I've only seen these issues on Youtube and movies offline, not anywhere else. I watch anime on other sites, and I haven't seen these issues once.

Laptop: Dell Inspiron 15 7567

Another side note, I followed these instructions to share the images and I did not see the images on the forum itself. I don't know if its on my part or the post itself forum




Not screen tearing. That would be artifacting I think. The GPU is likely causing it, you could try switching to the CPU's igpu, if it stops then the GPU is definitely causing it. Not really sure what could cause this, im confused why it happens in videos but not in games where the GPU would be under much more load.