I got my HDMI adapters online, if you need one contact me and I can get you one for $10.
Well the XPS1710 has some issues with cooling for one (you can see a pic of the interior
here as opposed to the GPU heatsink on the Executioner. I have been contacted by many people that have an XPS with a 7950 GTX that was
underclocked from the factory to 7900 speeds.
To me, that is false advertising, but I have had some DELL owners jump all over me that it is not. If you buy a Mustang with a V8, but 2 cylinders are disabled to the point of being the exact spec's of a 6 cyl., it stands to reason you got a V-6, but that's just me.
There is a difference in the quality of the case.
The LCD I use is made by Samsung, pretty much considered by everyone to be the best LCD manufacturer in the business. I don't know who makes DELL's, but I would guess, whoever is cheapest.
Of course you have the
RAID0 or RAID1 array option with the Executioner. I am unaware if the XPS has that, but I'm sure someone will chime in here.
As far as
customization, you are limited at DELL to about 3 things whereas I can skin any design you want, GENUINE carbon fiber the top (not a sticker like the fine print at DELL), aluminum cut outs, vinyl cuts, branding... pretty much anything you want.
Performance wise, there is no comparison as the Executioner is easily beating the Alienware m9700 which has 2 GPU's vs. the XPS's 1. That was from an
independent review , I would send a system anywhere to go against an XPS, unfortunately I don't think I am going to get a response from DELL concerning that challenge. :lol:
Memory you have allot of
reasonably priced options like DDR2-667 1 and 2 GB chips and DDR2-800, more importantly I offer you 3 GB of RAM instead of 4 GB
which the Intel chipset won't see anyway!, I'll tell you that. I of course will sell you 4 GB, but there is no reason to get it since it isn't going to do you any good.
I don't think there is any question of the support and warranty service.